Friday, November 7, 2008

When it rains it really does pour

Why is it way too true that “when it rains it pours”? This past week was going so well until it got be Wednesday, and then the stress started piling on. I had a paper due on Thursday, an advising meeting, a football banquet, and two exams today that I had not had any time to study for until last night. So I had my paper in by when it was due and then had to go to my advising meeting. I get to my meeting and I thought I had had everything all written down and figured out for the next 3 semesters, and my advisor tells me I probably can’t graduate on time. I’m like what? You have to be kidding me?! I was fighting off tears. So I finally get done there and leave, go back to my room and get ready to go home when a friend txt me and asked if I had a book finished and if I was going to our group meeting. I said no I can’t make it, and then of course I was already so stressed I ended up saying things I completely regretted. So then we basically got into a fight. :-\ Then I get home and my mom and I walk in the front door and my cat is taking her last breathes lying in the middle of the living room floor. At this point I have dinner to make for a football banquet, 2 exams to study for, and my cat is taking her last breaths. So my cat dieing was just the icing to the cake. I finally just lost it and broke.

Why do we get so overwhelmed in society today that we just hold it back till it cracks and then explodes? Getting to this point made me feel like crap because I couldn’t pull myself together. The thing I kept trying to tell myself was that it’s not all worth getting stressed over. Yes it was a crappy and very overwhelming day, but I guess If we didn’t have days like this then we wouldn’t appreciate or know how lucky we were on the days that are relaxing and calm. It’s just tough because when you are going through it, it feels like things can’t get any worse. Unfortunately that is usually wrong!

“Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven't fallen asleep yet”


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