Saturday, October 18, 2008

I Don't Understand....

For those of you who know me, I go to a christian college who has visitation hours in the dorm rooms and campus apartments. We are not allowed in the opposite sex's rooms when the visitation hours are over. What I don't understand is how we the students are suppose to be able to hangout with our friends who may be the opposite sex. We don't have places to go and sit and watch moves except for our rooms, because of the lack of TVs and such needed equipment. In our student handbook it is said that visitation hours are in place to keep students boundaries, but we are adults who can control what we do. If people want to have sex on this campus in their rooms they will, and if they don't they wont. Why do we as ADULTS need rules that cage us in like this. I can't wrap my mind around how this is suppose to treat us as adults. The real world is not like this one bit because we set our own boundaries out there and that helps us define who we are and what morals we have for ourselves. So why would college do this to us, and un-prepare us for "the real world". These friends i have here that I want to spend time with and cant have become my family, and it breaks my heart that i am not allowed to spend time with my family without breaking the rules and hoping not to get caught. For some people this pushes them to break the rules, because for 1 they don't agree with them 2 teenagers/young adults like to rebel and 3 have no thoughts of doing anything like sex, but instead just hanging out and watching movies or just talking.

I find this so sad to think that we can not be trusted to do what is right to us and be responsible. It seems that they don't trust us or treat us like the adults we are. Why would the college do this to us, and make us feel like we are back in high school again. We are responsible adults who just want to be with our friends sometimes, and be treated as so! Why is this so hard for our college to comprehend. Then if you do get caught breaking visitation hours you get written up...seriously do you just want to give us detention to while you are at it?!?!?!? This just doesn't prepare us for life, because this is NOT LIFE!!!! this is just such a frustrating topic for many of people here on campus!

"Because I believe the change must begin with me"

"Every generation needs a new revolution"

<3 Sara

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