Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Man or Woman????

which is better...being a man or a woman?

We had a discussion in my personal narratives class today about roles of a man or a woman. It was so interesting to hear from guys in what they think of when they are to describe "what being a man is to them." The one guy in our class spoke about that he said being a guy is "having testosterone and a penis and the weaknesses that come with that." That is exactly how he started with what he thought being a man was and then went on to saying so many stereotypes about having to be masculine and like sports. Also about not being able to be a male nurse or in any feminine roll because then people just think your gay.

Then our group and the other girl group got to talk and we did not have anything as good as the guys did! So then the class turned to discussion basically between the guys and the girls. We talked about relationships and the rolls society has put on guys and girls in a relationship. So we finished up a great conversation in class and then were walking out when my friend said, she should have asked the question of whether a guy and a girl can be just best friends?

So we decided to ask our prof as we were leaving class. She didn't really know and it kinda has had me thinking about this all day, because some of my friends and I discuss this a lot. I feel that you can have a guy who is just a best friend because most of my best friends are all guys! I think that it is a little tougher sometimes because men and women interpret things differently. But i would just say friends are friends no matter the sex! So i guess maybe i did find an answer for myself!

"A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you"


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