Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Random car rides...

"Without friends no one would choose to live." -Aristotle-

Isn't interesting how you can just jump in a car with friends and drive around, not actually going anywhere? I have to be honest I love doing this with my friends! We drive around music blaring, windows down, and just singing, talking, or even sometimes crying...whatever! It's pretty much my favorite way to just hang out and chill with most of my friends. This gives us time to hangout with all of our busy schedules, so usually we go at 11pm or later in the night. Well my one friend Zach has this place he drives to, called the "Red Blinky Light"! This might sound awesome and like an amazing place to go, but it's basically a phone tour...lol, but the view at the top of that hill is awesome! It looks down over the city, and is just an awesome sight at night to see all the lights and such.

So Zach drives me, and my friend/roommate Liz there and back, approximately once a week or so, whenever we all have time to get together and hangout. I guess the thing that just makes me laugh though, is that we drive there and back and then just end up sitting in the car talking, laughing, singing and catching up! Although at this point we are all pretty tired and getting the sleepy haha's because it's about 1 AM!

So I guess what gets me is that we could all just go hangout at the student union, or many other places, but we choose not to. Instead we decide to be couped up in a car and just be us together, no ones else around! It's one of my favorite ways to hangout with people because of that. I love that people can connect by just driving no where inparticular, and instead just hanging out and relaxing with each other. This is how yo really get to know people and start to learn new things every time you get together! It's amazing how you can know someone so long and just learn something new by taking random car drives!

"A friend is one to whom one can pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keeping what is worth keeping, and, with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away." -Arabian Proverb-

<3 Sara

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Man or Woman????

which is better...being a man or a woman?

We had a discussion in my personal narratives class today about roles of a man or a woman. It was so interesting to hear from guys in what they think of when they are to describe "what being a man is to them." The one guy in our class spoke about that he said being a guy is "having testosterone and a penis and the weaknesses that come with that." That is exactly how he started with what he thought being a man was and then went on to saying so many stereotypes about having to be masculine and like sports. Also about not being able to be a male nurse or in any feminine roll because then people just think your gay.

Then our group and the other girl group got to talk and we did not have anything as good as the guys did! So then the class turned to discussion basically between the guys and the girls. We talked about relationships and the rolls society has put on guys and girls in a relationship. So we finished up a great conversation in class and then were walking out when my friend said, she should have asked the question of whether a guy and a girl can be just best friends?

So we decided to ask our prof as we were leaving class. She didn't really know and it kinda has had me thinking about this all day, because some of my friends and I discuss this a lot. I feel that you can have a guy who is just a best friend because most of my best friends are all guys! I think that it is a little tougher sometimes because men and women interpret things differently. But i would just say friends are friends no matter the sex! So i guess maybe i did find an answer for myself!

"A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you"


Friday, September 19, 2008

Strangers who became family!


Well I am 3 weeks into my Junior year of college. It's crazy how time fly's by and that I graduate next year! WOW...it's still kind of sinking in slowly. It makes me think about how I came to college and now these strangers are like family. High school wasn't the best years of my life and I would NEVER want to re-live them AT ALL. But I do feel that these years of college are the years that replace "the best years".

I have met most of my best friends here, they are like family. I don't know what I would do without them most of the time. Some of them have literally saved my life, and I don't even know where I would be without some of them. These strangers have become the family I never had, and the sisters and brothers I'm sure my mom never wanted.

Yes the classes may keep us from getting our required amount of sleep and our professors might just think we are always tired, but those nights that we should have been writing a paper and instead were playing volleyball at 3 AM, or making a McDonald's run for french fries. Those are the memories that I know I will never forget and will always remember. These memories are what makes thinking about graduating from here so difficult. How can I just leave everyone, and just "try" to keep in contact. It is so sad just thinking about not being together and basically living with all of those people who you care about and can't imagine not being around all the time.

This is what makes life so hard...meeting strangers that become your family and then having to part again. This is how life goes, we just have to keep in touch and hope that our friendships are tight enough that miles can't break them! The sadness of reality.

If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me. ~Author Unknown

