Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Christmas time of struggles

You know sometimes life can really get you down. And sometimes it is when you least expect it. It can even when you are "suppose" to be happy, like this time of year. For some people the holiday season is not all glamorous and fun full of great memories. For some it is missing those that are no longer with us. Christmas and the holiday season can make that hole that we feel in our hearts and lives even bigger and more empty than usual. 

This year was the first year since my dad passed away that we broke out all the old ornaments and put up our actual tree. Last year we put up a little tree and bought some new ornaments for it but this year we out them both up. Putting up our actual tree brought up a lot of emotions and memories and brought up tears and laughter. Good tears, good memories, and laughing at some of the hand made ornaments from years past. As hard as it was to do I think it was actually really good for us as a family. 

Now looking at the tree and seeing the joy on my nieces and family members faces I know it was worth ripping off that band aid and bringing those memories to the surface again through each one of those ornaments, tears and more. I am glad we can share all those memories again even if they are hard ones to handle, or tears are shed. But what we all need to remember is that for years this has been a rough time of year for my family and I, and I know we are not alone there. Many people are struggling this time of year just to get through the holidays. So do not take it personal if someone isn't as joyful or upbeat as you are about the holidays. You never know what they are going through, or what may be making this time of the year even harder for them. Just remember those we have lost along the way and hold those tight that are still with us to make memories with.  

"Everybody hurts sometimes

Everybody hurts someday, aye aye
But everything gon' be alright
Go and raise a glass and say, aye
Here's to the ones that we got (oh oh)
Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not
'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
Of everything we've been through (no, no)
Toast to the ones here today (aye)
Toast to the ones that we lost on the way
'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories (aye)
And the memories bring back, memories bring back you"

Maroon 5 - Memories 


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