Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Have you heard of T.W.L.O.H.A. ?????

Have you ever heard of To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA)? It is an organization I heard about when I was in college, freshman year to be exact! I started seeing more and more shirts that said TWLOHA, and I thought, "what the heck does that mean?" So i figured like I do everything else I would just google it and see what happend! Well I did and trusty google came through for me again (can always count on Google). I started reading what they were about and just was astounded by the story and background of how this organization came about let alone how popular it has become today! If you have yet to read the story of what TWLOHA is or how it came to be you can check it out here! While you are there check out what all they do and if you have a Twitter you can follow them on there as well!

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