Wednesday, August 4, 2010

After the college classes, professors, and finally graduation

After graduating from college i thought that things would just fall in to place with a job and everything else that life brings your way. Needless to say i was completely wrong. Having no job all summer seems like it would be full of fun but realizing that i am an adult and that i really need money to be an adult means that there is no fun. I think that the sad part is i am trying just as hard as anyone else to find a job and am having as much if not worse luck then those who do not have a college degree. It frustrates me to think that i just spent (well am in debt) so much money on this degree that is not getting me any where. So now all i can think is "was it really worth it?" I think of so many other things that i can do and would love to do and would be more then happy doing. So now i am stuck thinking what do i do. Do i keep going after what i went to school for or do i go a different road. I guess i really thought things would just fall in to place, but this is the complete opposite now i feel like i am back to where i was before i even went to college. I really thought things would be easier after graduation but boy was i wrong instead it seems i am back to square one.
