Saturday, September 26, 2009

Senior Year

Well it is my senior year of college and it's pretty crazy to think that I am going to be getting kicked out into the real world soon, well of course unless I go to grad school (which is most likely going to happen). So my roommate, and a few other friends and I made a senior year "bucket list". So we have this list hanging at our place hoping to get to do all this stuff before we graduate and leave the college life behind us. We make this list and it makes me think its because of the things we want to do before our life as a college student dies. I find it so interesting that we think of our life as different parts, first is prior to school then you know elementary, Jr. high, and of course high school "the best 4 years of your life" (also very false as far as I am concerned). Then there is college life. Why are we saying there are different lives in our 1 life. We only have 1 life to live that's it, and all this other stuff is part of that 1 life. why do we think that because we are not going to be in college anymore that we cant do those things that are on that list. Yes things change they always change. We wont all live on a campus, and maybe even close by, and yes even friends change as much as we want to think they don't. Life isn't over after college, in someways life is just beginning.

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."