Monday, March 2, 2009

Summer, Life, and ugh

well it has been a long while and since the last time it is summer vacation, another year here and gone, little brother is 16, went to his first prom, and i have had a few revelations....

first a friend told me about this video....please watch it is so touching it really hit me! i know i find myself asking this/ these questions a lot. Where is God when all kinds of bad stuff happens in my life?! i have had plenty of pain in my life, and yes it has made me who i am today, but would i have really wanted to go through all that? heck no, but its in the past. i need to remember God is ALWAYS with us.

another revelation....well its a very personal one. i need to love me! yea i might be OK with me, if that...but i rely on other people to like me so i don't have to. That's not good i cant do that. I know i have tried to do this before, but i know if i don't do this, that other people can't truly love me.

ANYWAY...there is a lot on my mind lately especially like trying to find a job, and getting a loan for summer courses....ugh life! sorry not much to write lately, maybe i will be more in the mood to write later this week.
